About Us

The Universal Beyond Bars Group (UBB) is established in 12 states and is active in over 50 countries around the globe. It aims to help correctional facilities promote positive change in offender behavior, reintegrating offenders into society and reducing recidivism rates. Hardly a week goes by without a report or newspaper article on the causes and effects of crime.

UBB’s mission is to address the underlying factors that lead people to crime in the first place. UBB consists of volunteers who support offenders, their families, and correctional staff throughout the USA, both physically and spiritually. We are firm believers in the power of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to transform and save lives completely. We are passionate about working with those whom society usually despises. Prison/jail inmates are often seen as society’s failures, as people who can be set aside and forgotten or feared, condemned, and despised for the wrong they did. The more challenging the case, the greater our faith and determination to see a breakthrough. It’s a real pleasure to see people turn their backs on a criminal lifestyle to build something positive for the future.


Our Pastors and Volunteers

UBB – Our pastors and volunteers

A fully trained Pastor or Bishop conducts the meetings and programs UBB offers. All of them have embraced the ministry on a full-time basis.

UBB volunteers are men and women who fear God and love their neighbor and are chosen to assist the pastors as they carry out their duties.

Most of our pastors and volunteers have been through personal problems in the past before they started attending TUC and joined UBB. They are men and women who overcame their struggles through the teaching and prayers they received and the power of their faith. They have all had a personal encounter with God and have undergone a self-transformation. They are, therefore, willing and capable of assisting offenders.