On Friday, May 17th, the UBB made a profound difference with its visit to the Riverside Unit, conducting a Hygiene Distribution.

The atmosphere was brimming with joy and anticipation as these women eagerly waited for the hygiene kits meticulously prepared by the UBB team. The Pastors and volunteers of the UBB were equally pleased to be able to distribute these kits, fostering a strong sense of community and support.

Each hygiene kit was carefully assembled, containing regular-sized shampoo/conditioner, two bars of soap, two toothpastes, and deodorants. These kits were not just a collection of items but a thoughtful response to the unique needs of marginalized individuals.

As Jesus said that whatsoever we do to the least of His people we do unto Him, and it is these individuals, often despised by society, that the UBB is dedicated to serving.

The “least” are the despised, in whatever form. It is a priority for each one to know they are not alone; the inmates have not been forgotten.

The “least” are the despised, in whatever form. It is a priority for each one to know they are not alone; the inmates have not been forgotten. The UBB understands the daily difficulties they face through conversations we have with them. The least we can give occasionally are these donated hygiene kits. What is the greatest thing you can give to them?

It’s the Word, the Word is God, and God leads to salvation. The main objective of the UBB is not to satisfy the physical necessities but to have each of them encounter God.

Why is that? Soon, these hygiene kits will be finished, and the products they receive will only last some time. Still, when a person has a relationship with God, this is for eternity, and no one can take that away from them.

The story in the Bible of the Rich Young Ruler proves that a person can have everything and still have nothing. The rich young ruler went before Jesus, asking, “What can I do to inherit the kingdom of Heaven?” Jesus told him the commandments to follow; he responded, “I have kept these things since my youth.”

Then Jesus told him you lack one thing; sell all your possessions and follow me, and he left sad. What does this mean?

If a person does not know who Jesus is, they may live a “fulfilled” life because of their possession. Still, without the presence of the Holy Spirit, they will always be sorrowful like this young man in the Bible.

The Hygiene kit cannot be their treasure, but we want each of them, more than anything, to have the real treasure: salvation.


Contact Us

If you want to learn more about the UBB, email us at ubb@universal.org or call 1-888-691-2291.

"I cry out to God; yes, I shout. Oh, that God would listen to me! When I was in deep trouble, I searched for the Lord." Psalms 77:1-2 Speak out, I am all ears! If you want to be added to the UBB E-Message list, send me a letter with the correct info to: 7075 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77074 Include: Name/ID #, Facility, Complete Address, City/State, and Zip code.