Not Because It’s in Your Mind, Means It’s Always Right
Remember in the free world when you would watch TV, but something came on that you had no interest in? What would you do? You had no problem changing the channel. There wasn’t even a second thought. You didn’t like what was playing, so you changed the channel. As a kid, you probably fought with your siblings over what to watch because you refused to sit and watch something that did nothing for you.
We have similar channels in our minds. We are constantly receiving and processing information. However, very few were taught as a child that changing the channel in our minds is possible. Instead, we grow with the mentality that if it’s in my mind, it must be right. And then, those thoughts are embedded in the mind and give birth to actions. Think back to things you have done that started as an idea or a thought, such as self-harming, “Don’t dream,” “You can’t make it,” etc. It happens to all of us.
What kind of thoughts have you been allowing to enter your mind? What are you attracting through your thoughts? Nobody is exempt from having evil thoughts; even the most holy person on this planet has them. What makes the difference is whether you act on those negative thoughts and whether you allow them to dictate your life.
What you see and hear influences your thoughts, and being in prison doesn’t help because you see and hear more negative than positive. But even in prison, you can change the channel of your mind. You can learn to block out negative thoughts. Learn to recognize them and run them out of your mind. Please don’t allow them to guide you. Choose what you will give attention to. It can be gossip or the music you listen to. What messages are you feeding yourself?
You Can Go Along With Their Negativity or Separate Yourself, Even in Prison
Don’t feel condemned by the negative thoughts, but don’t act upon them. Could you not buy into them? Could you not believe them?
Force your mind to change channels—don’t wait for it to happen automatically. Start feeding your mind with things that will positively impact your life, such as faith and God’s promises—which will never put you down, make you feel weak, or tell you that you are not able.
Once you channel these good thoughts in your mind, your body (actions) will obey, and your life will be different. Go on, start today.
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