The definition of being confined or the state of confinement is when a person is restricted against their own will.

Who wants to be confined? No one, of course. Silly question, right? On the forefront, it sounds ridiculous when asked openly. However, subconsciously, people can hold themselves confined and not even realize that it is not just the environment itself but that they have become confined within themselves.

Maybe you ask: “How is this possible?” Let me break it down for you.
Stop and think with me: what makes you feel powerless? Is it an addiction, your anger, grudges, depression/sadness, pain/traumas, your past, etc.? Every time you feel powerless before a situation, that is what is confining your life.

I know this page is about the UBB, incarceration, etc. But there is more to confinement than just being locked up.

How many years have you been confined before being confined? You probably did not even realize the reason for your incarceration is because you were already confined mentally and emotionally and couldn’t escape yourself, thus now the physical confinement.

Alright, next question: “So, how do I break this confinement?”

Well, I have the answer. When a person needs to be free, there are guidelines that they must follow. If you want the opposite of confinement, liberty, you must do the opposite of what got you confined. And remember, I don’t just mean incarceration. Anything in your life that confined you—how you got there, what you did. Now, you need will be posted anonymously—no name or inmate to undo whatever has confined you all these ID will be posted, ONLY the question. It will be
years. If you have been confined to a grudge, guess what? The opposite is to forgive to receive liberty.

If you were confined to addiction, guess what? Yes. You guessed right; you need to separate yourself from the substance and/or people that lead you into the addiction.

To be freed, you need to sacrifice, and it starts with sacrificing your own will. You must overcome your desires to do what is wrong to receive liberty in your life. It’s no different with you behind bars, either. Do you want liberty?

You must abide by the rules. Do you want to receive time off? Behave, yes, you read it, behave. Confinement comes because of a wrong action, whether you meant it or not, so if you want that to be reversed, change the direction you have been heading.

Your help won’t come from anyone around you, but your help will come from the One that is Above you!


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