The UBB is about giving. That’s right; we give without looking for anything in return because, sincerely, what will someone behind bars be able to offer? Right.

We are not here to receive but to do as Jesus did, to freely give what we have received. Whenever we go to prison, we spend the entire day, from early morning until late at night; sometimes, it is very hot, and sometimes extremely cold.

However, the Scripture says, But he answered and said,

I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (Matthew 15:24).

Isn’t this special? Jesus was sent by his Father to save the lost sheep. That was and is his mission until today; what is the difference now? Now, Jesus works through the lives of those who receive his Holy Spirit. So now, bringing it to our days, the Lord Jesus sent the UBB to save the lost sheep behind bars.

Look at the ripple effect and how God works. First, he sent his son for the lost sheep, and now his son has sent us to rescue those lost. You may be reading this article and have not yet been down with UBB; you see and laugh or criticize us. We do not judge you for it because a person only does what they know. However, I want to ask you one question: What do you have to lose? Take a chance, and let God in. It’s not about UBB, but about giving God an opportunity through the UBB. Let him take away the burden that has been inside of you. God wants to save you, you who recognize you can’t do it on your own, but you need his help, surrender.

Make one sincere prayer, be authentic, keep it one hundred, and see if God will not do something great within you. It is not about an organization; it’s about you receiving a new life. Have you ever stopped to think about what that would look like? What would a life of peace be? True happiness? Love?
What does that look like for you? Our goal is to show you that God is BEYOND the bars. He is BEYOND your suffering.


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If you would like spiritual guidance and prayer, feel free send us an email at or call us at 1-888-691-2291.