The Word of God shows us that, once, the Lord Jesus said:
For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost (Matthew 18:11)
This message is for you who are lost. Perhaps you are revolted with yourself for the things you have already done and are doing, for the bad thoughts that are always in your mind, for the fear you have of death, for the lies you tell.
Know that the Lord Jesus has come to you. He wants to reach out to you. Perhaps you have done so many wrong things that no cleaning products can get this feeling of dirt out of you.
But the Lord Jesus said that the good shepherd goes after that sheep that was lost (Luke 15:4-7)
Maybe you grew up in the church and knew the Word, but you stayed away from it. The Lord Jesus is trying to rescue you. But he can’t do his part. You need to grab his hand.
Ask for mercy, His help. He needs you to be humble, throw away the excuses, and say “yes” to him. If you do that, he will forgive you and restore you.
It will not be overnight, but you will already feel relief, and things will start to change in you. And you mustn’t return to who you were in this journey to change.
Know that evil wants to fill your head by saying
that you are a person who will never change and who has no future. He put the word “always” inside you. “You will always be like that.”
However, you need to resist the bad words in your head. Believe that the Son of Man came to save that which was lost. If he came to save the lost, it is because that which was lost has value.
Maybe you think your life has no value, but for him, you have value.
He left heaven to come into the world to save you, who was lost. He wouldn’t waste his time if there were no better way.
Tell him and come to the House of God if you accept this. Please focus on the message because it’s what will help you. If you take this step, you will no longer be lost.
And, very soon, you will be helping others who are still lost, as you were.
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