On Thursday, November 7th, Bishop Joshua and 34 volunteers visited the prison hospital in Galveston, TX. Before we went in, we gathered in the parking lot for a prayer, where all the volunteers had their hands anointed with Holy Oil.
Chaplain Phillips welcomed us with open arms and was really excited to see so many volunteers from UBB supporting the unit. We donated over 200 Bibles and spiritual books, and the chaplain was very grateful for the gifts. Bishop Joshua and the UBB team moved from floor to floor, praying for the inmates, singing, and dancing. They brought a message of hope, letting the inmates know that they weren’t alone. Many inmates couldn’t believe that Bishop Joshua was actually there.
Some even said they had been watching him on a tablet earlier that morning and were stunned to see him in person at the hospital. Chaplain Phillips then led the team to the infirmary, where we prayed for the salvation of the souls. It wasn’t just the inmates who were moved; the officers, nurses, doctors, and staff also sang, danced, and received prayers for their families and the strength to keep going in their work.
The six hours we spent at the unit flew by. The inmates wanted more, and the chaplain wished we could’ve stayed longer because of the positive impact our visit had on everyone.
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I cried out to God; I cried aloud to God to hear me. In the day of trouble I sought the Lord; through the night my outstretched hands did not grow weary; my soul refused to be comforted. (Psalms 77:1-2)
Send your E-Message or letter to Bishop Bira Joshua. You don’t need to feel alone; help is at hand. Please include First and Last Name, Inmate ID#, Facility, Address, City, State, and Zip code. Mail your letter to 7075 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77074.