Doubt robs us of sleep, undermines our deepest selves, and keeps our souls restless. Without peace, nothing else seems to bring satisfaction, not even the best food, company, leisure, or job.
Every day, while we are awake, we face a choice: to choose faith over doubt, to view people and life from God’s perspective or from a human viewpoint.
We must decide whether to live by the Spirit or by the flesh. There is no middle ground.
When we waver in our trust in the Most High, we open the door to doubt. From that point, we engage in an inner battle between believing in God’s promises and succumbing to disbelief.
Remember that emotions like fear, anxiety, and worry can also undermine our faith and strip us of our peace, just like doubt does. In contrast, faith brings peace, balance, and security to our souls.
When we are grounded in faith or the Spirit, there is no room for fear, stress, torment, or uncertainty.
Faith and peace go hand in hand, and this harmony and strength come from practicing the word of God.
Those who focus their minds on divine principles overcome all obstacles. For them, there are no misfortunes, envy, threats, or criticisms that can shake them.
That’s why the Almighty urges us to live from faith to faith.
Without this extraordinary power within us, doubts will dominate. However, by practicing our faith daily, God grants us peace, and no barrier will cause us to stumble. As it is written:
Great peace have those who love Your law, and nothing causes them to stumble. — Psalms 119:165
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