Life teaches us that there’s a price to pay for everything we want. A person who wants a career or business sacrifices many years of their life in school; at times, it is more than ten years of learning, searching for clientele, designing a website, finding places to sell their product, looking for the right sale approach, etc.;
A woman that wants to be a mother, must pay the price if she was once someone very fit, she will let that go to allow her body to prepare for her child; if her pregnancy takes an unexpected turn and needs a c-section she must pay the price, even if it’s not what she wants, she does it to bring her child into the world.
What about the one who needs to lose weight? They must pay the price. These are simple examples, but there are many. Remember when you learned to ride a bike? Yep. You paid the price, probably fell off the bike, got a couple of scrapes and bruises, got back up, and continued, but you finally learned.
A person who wants to become a drug cartel, join a gang, or commit a crime pays the price, too, and a high one.
People pay a high price for physical things to obtain what eventually will perish. But what are you willing to do for peace?
Are you willing to sacrifice your will, the doubts, bad thoughts, lustful thoughts, grudges, regrets, guilt, and anger? Are you willing to pay the price to have peace?
What would you do? How important is peace to you? What is the sacrifice you’re willing to make for it? You didn’t ask to be in this world, nor did I.
Our parents got together, and poof, here we are.
Still, one thing is for sure: if you’re the one reading this, I believe that God has chosen you, but again, the question surfaces: what would you do to have peace?
Maybe you have gone above and beyond to prove to people that you are a “hard body” to prove you are “that girl or that guy,” you needed to prove that you could “roll with the big dogs.”
Paying the price for all this has landed you where you are right now. If you say, I want this peace, it’s time to sacrifice your will and place your life 100% in the hands of God; this must be your priority; if you want to receive this peace, you must give all your life.
God needs to be your First. He’s at the door knocking. The same way you sacrificed and surrendered to the things of this world, whether it was a relationship, loved one, work, commit a crime, flip the script and give your all to God;
He wants to make you the happiest person and provide you with peace, you need to pay the price.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20.