Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.” If so, why do so many keep repeating the same thing and seeing no results?
It’s like trying to bake a cake with the wrong recipe repeatedly, and even though it keeps coming out wrong, you continue to use the same recipe. It makes no sense.
How can we expect God to bless us if we insist on sticking to our old ways, knowing it doesn’t please Him?
You might pray, remind God of His promises in the Bible, attend the UBB services regularly, and commit to the courses. Yet, it seems as though you receive no answers from God. Why, may you ask?
Because you must leave your old life behind, the problem is not with the things you do; it is who you are; you can practice the good things I listed above, and that’s great, but if you have not let go of the side of drugs, gang banging, fighting, prostitution, bad relationships in prison, etc.
Very well, God is righteous, so He cannot reward unrighteousness. For God to be with you, first, you must be with Him.
In other words, you need to follow Him. Let go of everything that isn’t pleasing to Him. People can deceive you, you can deceive people, but who can deceive God?
You can deceive your spouse, parents, friends, whoever it may be, But who can deceive God? No one!
The Lord told Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and your father’s house to a land I will show you.” Genesis 12:1
God told Abram, “I can only show you the land I have for you if you leave this land that you are in. Understand this: the “country” represents your old life. Replace “Abram” and put your name there, “John Doe,” get out of your country.”
Get out of your old life; God says to you, leave the old ways. You cannot have God and the world together; it is one of the other, not both.
You have been feeling stuck until now because you have not abandoned the old life; you haven’t made a trade with God—your old life for His new life.
Let go of your old ways and follow His. He can only bless you if you take the step to leave your old life behind first. God wants to re-write your story, but will you give Him permission to do so?
Do not hold onto what is broken anymore. Let it go; give it to God so you can receive the New Birth.
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