Have you ever stopped and questioned yourself? Why have things stayed the same? When will I take the first step to change? These questions aren’t meant to be pondered but intended to be acted upon. Maybe you say, “Oh, it’s too hard.” Yet, who told you it was difficult? Who blew the word of doubt in your mind?

If this is true, what about the thought that came to your mind and said, “Don’t do it. If you do, you’ll get in trouble.” Or maybe you heard, “Don’t go with them because if they get caught, you’ll get caught too.” Yet you listened to the voice you wanted to hear.

Where Do You Draw the Line?

When will you stop telling yourself, “It’s too hard!” When will you stop victimizing yourself for your faults? To change, you need to admit that you did something wrong one way or another. It could be that you choose to be with bad people, or you gave in to the thought of committing a crime. Now, well, you know the rest.

It’s not about beating yourself up but about owning what you did. To be behind bars is hard, but to do what is good is also challenging. You must choose your hard. You must select what you will continue feeding into and what you want to let go of. “It’s too hard” is a lie because it’s not too hard! You just haven’t decided to let go of what you know you shouldn’t be entertaining.

So, who will make this decision? Only you. Let go of this lie, and free yourself from that extra weight you have carried for so long.

Yeah, I know it won’t be easy, but it’s not that you can’t do it. You must choose to start, and once you take that step, God will hold your hand along the way. Stop feeding this lie, and look forward!

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13


If you would like spiritual guidance and prayer, feel free send us an email at ubb@universal.org or call us at 1-888-691-2291.

Feeling lonely inmate? Write to us, we are here for you! Include the following in your letter: 1. State in your letter, what you would like Bishop Bira to pray for. Example: finances, health, family, love life, etc. 2. Be sure to include your city and state in your letter. 3. Make sure you address your letter correctly to: Universal Beyond Bars, 7075 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77074